Wednesday, August 8, 2012

11 Rules for Creating a Home Library

1.  Draw inspiration from as many wonderful old and ornate libraries as possible.

2. Go big! Center your room around your books. Line your walls with the covers all of the greats (and some of the ones only you would deem great). 

3. If you have bookshelves reaching to your ceiling, add a chandelier or statement light to draw the eye upward and to meet all your sparkly lighting needs. 

4. If you are lucky enough to have a spare closet lying around, take off the doors, line with shelving and fill it with all your pretty paper backs.

Via {hue}

5. Make sure you add a comfortable couch nearby so once you find the book you are searching for you don't have to take your eyes off the words while you find a soft place to collapse.

6. Or better still, keep your favourite reads on the couch itself for easy access.
*Note: A throw blanket here essential for all reading under a blanket cravings.

Via {westelm}

7. To assist in quick retrieval of the book you are aching to read - make sure you alphabetize.

8. For those with more time (or money) at their disposal - get creative!!

9. For those short on space but tall on book collections - go narrow and go up!

10. For those who can't bear to be separated from their books long enough to replace them in their rightful place - the floor is an acceptable substitute...

Via  {amop} is the staircase.

 11. Finally (and most importantly) remember to start your children's love of books early with their own library. Narrow shelving allows for books to be displayed face up.

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